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This $11 Concealer Is A Beauty Influencer Fave And You Need One

Here’s a handy little fact that may or may not come as a surprise. Roughly 25 per cent of of Australian women spend more than $150 on beauty buys every SINGLE month. There’s no doubt in our minds that concealer is included in that swag.

And, the same research shows, we’re prepared to go to great lengths to ensure we have the cash to splash. One in five of us will happily ditch dinner plans with friends, and one in 10 will even overdraw the bank account or skip a phone bill. Um ladies! We applaud your commitment, but let’s get sensible here. You need to eat.

Given that you’ll be straight-up delighted to discover the LA Girl Pro Concealer if you haven’t already. This snappily-priced tube of sheer genius is used and loved by beauty influencers the world over. Not surprisingly, it’s also gaining a following amongst us everyday folk – in fact, it’s currently the number one selling make-up item for 2017 at online beauty retailer

Jade Dowling, senior beauty therapist at tells us why and also, provides a few handy tips on how to make it work for you.

Say hello to Jade Dowling. She knows stuff.


What makes this product so good?

Apart from the fact that it’s very cheap and seriously works as well as more expensive concealers, I think a big reason this is popular is because of the range of shades. There are 25 of them, so it suits all skin types and is really versatile in that you can use it to conceal, correct, contour or simply brighten.

Colour correctors tend to be products where you can generally get away with a cheaper price. They’re worn under your top layers of make-up, so if blended and set correctly, they have a greater likelihood of living up to their claims of being long-lasting – compared to foundations and powders.

But be careful to watch for creasing and don’t overdo it! LA Girl Concealers tend to have more pigmentation, which is great for the life of the product (as you need less per use) but if you use too much of one colour, you can look like a bit like abstract art.

Yes. It IS magical! Well, terribly good anyway.



How do you pick the right shade?

If you’re just dabbling in correctors, the more outrageous shades can be frightening but I assure you, it’s far easier than it seems.

Firstly, take a look in the mirror and work out what you want to cover up. The general rule of thumb is to pick the opposite colour, and if you’re really not sure just Google ‘corrector colour wheel’ images and use that as a guide.

Typically, people want to either cover dark circles under their eyes or red marks and blemishes. Or both, and you can use multiple colours.

For dark circles, go for an orange or depending on how dark your skin tone is a red concealer. This cancels out the blue and purple undertones of the circles.

You’ll find handy info like this. Image: Pinterest.


In those places where you have redness come through, usually around the nose, or blemishes, go for the opposite of red – which is green.

The more adventurous of you will also have a lavender shade, which is great for neutralising any unwanted yellow tinges to the skin or simply as a highlighter to counteract the sallowness. I also like to finish my look with a purple-based powder, to help brighten the face all over.

If that’s too advanced, just go for one that looks natural, or with yellow undertones, that is one or two shades lighter than your skin tones. These are more universal and you can use it to cover up under-eye circles, age spots, freckles and pesky pimples.