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The First Lady Of The US Melania Trump Has Got Style

Melania Trump hasn’t always been a style icon. Indeed, she’s worn some pretty dodgy outfits in the past, but hey, who hasn’t. I look back at some of the classy items I got about in in my earlier years and wonder what on earth I was thinking. Perhaps this is where Melania’s head is at right now?

We can neither confirm nor deny that. What we can say with conviction however is that Melania has lifted her sartorial game – and in a big way. In fact, she’s looking so chic these days that plenty of high-end designers are actually clamouring to dress her.

Take Victoria Beckham for example. Victoria has declared she would love to dress Melania.
Indeed, it would seem that she already is dressing the FLOTUS – in a manner of speaking.
According to Fox News VB revealed that Melania Trump wore something from VB’s range recently after having purchased it from her clothing store. And Victoria has zero issue with that.

“I just think if any woman chooses to wear me, or invest in me as a designer, that’s incredibly flattering,” Vcitoria was quoted as saying.
The FLOTUS chose a Beckham-designed navy blue turtleneck that sells for US $1050. She wore it with a cropped navy pant and her usual sky high heels – also in navy. And she looked incredible. It’s not the first time she’s been photographed in a VB design. In October she wore a US $1850 sleeveless cream sheath dress when being interview by Anderson Cooper.



Melania and Anderson – and that dress. Chic. No more, no less.Image: Instagram/

Turns out Ivanka Trump is a VB fan too. She was snapped recently wearing a US $35 dress from Victoria’s Target collection.
As a talented designer and also, savvy business woman, Victoria has no qualms about that. Indeed, she’d be happy to dress the FLOTUS and any members of the family if asked directly.

“I like to make everybody happy, and whoever it is, if they want to wear my clothes and I can make that happen, and the sample is free, then I would jump at the opportunity to do that,” said Victoria.
Given that information is now out in the open I think we can look forward to seeing the Trump women wearing plant more Victoria Beckham in the near future.