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Five things to know before you get Botox

Here at The Beauty Insider we refuse to judge. You want muscle freezing injections, fillers or even a facelift, we’re good with that. What we’re not good with is not doing a little homework before you book in. This is your face after all.

So, let’s look at muscle freezing injections such as Botox and Dysport first of all. We’ve tried both and had excellent results. But this industry has changed an awful lot in recent years and continues to do so. Given that, we figured a quick update couldn’t hurt.

Take it away Charlie Abboud, Head of Injectables at Laser Clinics Australia.

What are the most attractive aspects of Cosmetic Injectables?

Non invasive, quick and easy treatments,
Long lasting results,
Convenient and affordable,
And treatments are tailored to suit client’s needs

How do they work?

Anti-wrinkle injections are made from a purified protein that causes facial muscles to relax, softening lines and reducing the severity of visible wrinkles. This decrease of movement in the muscle creates less stress on the skin, helping to maintain a fresh, youthful and rejuvenated appearance.
The injections actively prevent the formation of static wrinkles (deeper lines and folds caused by repeated movement over time).

What is new in the field?

Results are no longer so ‘fake looking’. Not that long ago it was the perception that you would walk in and then walk out looking very overdone and frozen. Techniques, training and products can now deliver results ranging from glamorous, to more subtle – depending on a client’s needs. Some clients do not want anyone to know they have had cosmetic injections – they want to look naturally refreshed and youthful, without and obvious change. We can achieve that.

What areas can be treated?

Anti-wrinkle injections start to work two to three days after the injection and reach their full effect within seven to 14 days. The effects can typically last for up to three to four months depending on the individual.

Cost please …

Prices vary depending on where you have your treatment carried out and how many units of product you use. At Laser Clinics Australia prices start from $99 per area or $3.95 per unit. A forehead would be a single area for example.

Main image by Lucas Dawson for Myer.