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How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles, Fine Lines And Stress In Just 10 Minutes

Beauty sleep is an actual thing. For real. If you sleep well you will look more beautiful – it’s that simple.

Why? Well, there’s a number of reasons. Firstly, quality sleep means increased blood flow and that means less under-eye circles and puffiness. Yes! Do it consistently and you’re also going to be seeing hair that’s shiny and full of bounce, skin that positively glows, plus fewer fine lines and even wrinkles. #WINNING.

A good sleep pattern will also boost energy and mood meaning you feel better and you know what that translates into – yep, looking better too. Yay again.

The tricky bit is that our hectic modern-day lifestyles can make quality sleep difficult to achieve and sometimes downright impossible. But there’s good news too. You can change that. And here’s how.

Simply follow this 10-minute routine brought to you by celebrity yogi, Instagram star and all-round excellent human Mary Kant.

Yeah, she’s a yogi but not your average kind. Image: Instagram/@mantrasandmangos

Most of us know by now that the blue-light screens of devices ruin us, but still use them before bed anyway. I love magazines as much as Instagram for my creative inspiration but if picking up a book or glossy doesn’t appeal to you, try a positive mind exercise.
Grab a notepad and pen and write down the three best things that happened that day. They don’t need to be significant achievements. Last night one of mine was ‘making mum smile by complimenting her on her lipstick choice’. Not a major milestone, but it doesn’t need to be … this is about taking pleasure in the little moments that make us happy and remind us of the joys of living. Positive reflection before sleep is a fantastic way to relax a stressed mind.

See, told she was a yogi! Image: Instagram/@mantrasandmangos


There’s a tea for every occasion and that includes sleep. Certain scents promote relaxation and for many this reduced tension and anxiety relief is key for REM. Try teas that contain lavender, camomile, fennel or lemon.
Goodnight Co. has a wonderful blend or if relaxation is the name of your game – treat yourself to a ‘Relax Me’ gift box from Physics Garden, which has an abundance of beauty sleep aids including tea, balms, a wheat eye pillow and more.
On tip for pre-bed tea drinkers – double check that your blend is naturally caffeine free.

Mary is all about stopping to smell the roses … well, peonies. Image: Instagram/@mantrasandmangos


Sleep is so essential but we don’t want to be pumping our body with nasties just to get a good night’s rest. For those who haven’t done much research in the natural sleep aid space lately, there are some weird but wonderful options out there – we’re talking what dreams are (literally) made of.
Magnesium is known for its ability to improve sleep, improve muscle recovery and help with cramping. If I’ve been really active generally or have pushed myself during a workout I use Salt Lab’s Magnesium Oil – it’s an easy spray that can be quickly applied before bed. Most nights I also use Sleep Roll On by the Goodnight Co – its lavender, cedarwood and coconut oils make it smell divine and you role on to your pulse points, like perfume, to help the calming scents radiate further for a relaxing sleep.


Clearly, Mary’s routine pays off. Seriously – look at her! Image: Instagram/@mantrasandmangos

Is there anything yoga can’t do? Answer – no. There are a few gentle poses that you can do in bed, which will help relieve tension, promote blood flow and switch off your mind – aiding in a restful night. These are also great if you are on your feet a lot during the day and experience stiffness in your legs.
I like to start with Viparita Karani, otherwise known as the ‘legs up the wall’, except with my headboard. I also spend two minutes each on the cat stretch and child’s pose, which are amazing for getting the blood circulation going ahead of bed. The ‘night time goddess stretch’, so aptly named, is also brilliant for this – for this one, lay on your back facing the ceiling with the soles of your feet pressed together and your knees bent (like a diamond shape) and breathe. Remember to take long, steady breaths as you relax into these poses.

Mary has teamed up with the beauty site to produce a Natural Edit. Visit the site to learn more about that project and the products Mary chose. And happy sleeping!