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I’m A Woman And I Shaved My Face And It Was Maybe The Worst Thing Ever

No doubt you’ve already heard that shaving your face is kind of a thing. At least according to the internet where many makeup and skincare trends seem to find fame. Unicorn hair complete with horn being the perfect example!

But back to the trend of women shaving their face. Because we’re talking about women here – obviously.

And here’s my two cents’ worth on the topic. Skip it. Yes it removes hair (duh) and yes, just like its devotees claim, it will take off a tiny layer of old skin cells meaning skin that is super fresh and exfoliated (for a short while), but so will many over-the-counter products that are no more costly than these magical women’s face-shaving razors and also, more effective in terms of removing dead skin cells and more importantly, considerably less dangerous.

And then there’s this handy little factoid. Facial hair, especially the downy soft peach fuzz most women have, grows back pretty much immediately and that sexy stubble that your BF rocks each morning? Well, guess what – you’ll have it too.

Stubble … sexy on him, but not on you.

As any dermatologist worth their salt will tell you, your former touch of baby fluff will not grow back in with more gusto, more dark or more coarse. But I swear to god it feels like it and if your hair has a dark root it looks all the world like regular bloke re-growth. In a word (well two actually) not pretty.

When I tried it I must admit I was a bit chuffed with myself – momentarily. Shiny, fresh, hair-free skin is sweet as. But the thing is the effects are temporary and after a few days my skin felt more rough and also more dry. Not exactly what I had in mind.

So here’s my verdict. For hair removal I recommend plain old-fashioned waxing or threading. For exfoliating effects try products that contain low levels of alpha hydroxy acids. And leave the razor to your guy.

If you must give it a try word on the street is that best razor for the job is by Shiseido pictured here. You can get a three-pack for about $10 on eBay.