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Kelly Osbourne Just Dyed Her Hair And She’s Unrecognisable

Kelly Osbourne has rocked a killer shade of lilac forever.

Well, okay, that’s not strictly true. But she has been that colour for a damn long time. Which is kind of odd when you think about it because it’s more a temporary hair colour. You know what I mean. A shade you dye your hair for a little fun on Friday night before returning to your regular ashy blonde or, glossy chestnut brown on Monday.

But not Kelly. A rebel born and bred, Kelly rocked that colour till we started to think it was natural. And just when we did – she changed it up and in a major way.

Kelly is now a bold, bright shade of orange and she looks INCREDIBLE.

Ta dah! Killer colour. Image: Instagram/@Kellyosbourne


Kelly, who has been quoted as saying she’s been bullied for her bold hair styles and even her fashion choices, debuted her new look on Instagram alongside the caption, ‘Welcome to the new ME!!!!!!’.

And a new Kelly she most certainly is. Her hair colour is fierce and her makeup too. She’s wearing beautiful creamy foundation, a hint of bronze blush and natural rosy lip. Her eyes are stunning with a wash of peach shadow, a heavy retro-style liner and lashes, lashes, lashes.

Girl looks good!

And her fans think so too. A raft of followers posted comments saying how much they adore this new, somehow feminine look with many mentioning that Kelly now looks more like her mother Sharon than ever. Sharon, of course, is pretty fly and Kelly’s fans clearly mean the comments to be flattering.

I see the resemblance – absolutely. But what I see most is a very beautiful young woman wearing a colour that works. Fingers crossed she keeps it for a while. And expect to see the shade a lot this spring and summer.

Yes, the colour is bang on trend.

A little too bold for you? Try a single chunk of hair, sort of a thick streak or even, have your stylists dip your ends. And remember, says Anthony Nader at RAW, you can always dye it back. Phew!