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Khloe Kardashian shares her hot body secrets

Success is the best revenge says Khloe Kardashian and she should know.

The 32-year-old is currently hosting TV’s Revenge Body – which sees regular women working with the reality star in order to transform their bodies and in doing so their lives. The majority of those who appear on the show have struggled with their weight and more noticeably – their self-esteem. It’s a battle that Khloe herself knows only too well – she has fought to keep her weight and under control her entire life.

She’s also hit various periods of darkness when she gained weight and lost hope.

Today, Khloe, an ambassador for the fitness and weight loss brand Protein World, is in stunning form both physically and mentally.

Here she reveals how she got there – and how we can too.

Start where you are

Training is something I’ve grown to love. It’s hard to begin with but once you hit your stride it’s great because you get results. I’ve used Protein World’s Slender Blend as part of my training … having a shake before or after training is a great addition to my routine and has definitely helped me achieve my goals.  For those starting training or already aiming for a goal, my most important advice is to remember we all have to start somewhere. Someone once told me you can’t get it all in one day. I love that. You have to remember to set realistic goals. Start slowly. But reward yourself when you hit that goal…then set a new one.

Be kind to yourself

If you fall off your training regime or you mess up on your diet start again. Get back up and tel yourself, “It’s okay. Tomorrow I’m going to work out a little bit harder.” We all have days like that. Let it motivate you to be that much better the following day.

Be patient

When I first started exercising I was so frustrated. I did not have this body in the first week I started working out. But it’s not easy to build your dream body. If it was we’d all have them. A dream body takes work and perseverance. It takes dedication and literal sweat and tears. That said, when you get there, and you will, it’s the most rewarding feeling ever.

Be brave

Beginners, or people who are new to training of any kind, often have fears that have the potential to hold them back from achieving their goals. Intimidation is a huge factor. When walking into a gym, beginners often feel intimidated. Like they are the skinniest or fattest person there or that they are too weak. None of that matters. You’re exercising – that’s what matters.

Don’t compare

We’re all different. We come in different shapes and body types and so need different tools to lose or even gain weight. I suggest getting to know your body until you know what works for you. I started slowly on a diet. I would go week by week taking certain things out of my diet that I should not be eating. I couldn’t do it all in one day or else I would feel really depriv
ed and I knew I was going to fail. So week one one I cut out dairy. On week two I cut out sodas. For week three I cut out any juice and only drank water. So on and so forth. That is how I had to operate.

I understand it might be a slower process but I literally have tried every diet under the sun and this was the way that worked for me. And of course it’s going to get tough. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. When you hurt the most, when your mind is drained, these are the moments when you must persevere. Only then will you transform mind, body and soul. 

Believe in yourself 

All my life I was told that I could never be a certain size or that I could never look a certain way and that really got to me. I started to believe what everybody else told me. But then one day something inside me didn’t want to be defined by somebody else’s perception or vision of me. Satisfaction is feeling comfortable in your clothes and knowing that you put in this work and effort and you, all by yourself, got yourself to where you are right now. The best satisfaction is being able to keep up in the gym and feel genuinely bad ass. I train like a beast but I am proud of that! That’s a compliment! I know I can train with some of the best because I put in the work to get myself here. I did that! And you can too.

 Embrace your insecurity 

I was always so insecure about my arms. They would never tone up and were mushy and fat. Now I have defined arms and it’s almost like my trophy that I’m allowed to show off. It sounds silly, but I’ve worked so hard on being able to feel comfortable wearing a T-shirt or tank top. Getting my arms to this point took a lot of training and eating right. I never thought I would say that I actually I am proud of my arms but I am.

Drink lemon water 

It sounds a bit weird but lemon water is a huge thing for me. I drink at least three to four litres of water every day. That can get incredibly boring, so I add lemon.

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Entries close April 1, 2017.