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This Is Why You Need A Makeup Brush Collection

Here at The Beauty Insider we like our beauty quick and easy. Given that, we generally apply makeup with our fingers because, well, it’s quick and er, easy. But deep down we know it’s not cool to do so. At least we suspected as much, so we went to makeup artist Clint Dowdell and put it to him.

Should we be applying our makeup with fingers – or, should we be just that little bit more grown-up, invest a few more minutes and use a makeup brush?

“I get this question a lot. And my answer is always yes,” says Clint.

“Look at it this way, if you were going to paint a wall, would you use fingers or a brush?

“I’m a huge advocate of finishing off applications with the fingers to really warm it into the skin, but to get a smooth, professional application, brushes are required.

Seems pretty clear. We need brushes. And so, we asked Clint the obvious question. Which ones?

“Depends on the job,” he says.

Nude By Nature Essential Collection Brush Set, $39.95.


“For each job there are specific brushes, so a liquid foundation needs a liquid foundation brush and so on.”

But, if you want surefire brushes that will cover you go with this lot, says Clint.

A Mineral Brush (for powder foundation)

A Liquid Foundation Brush

A Blush Brush (also for bronzer)

A Finishing Brush (to set makeup)

An Eyeshadow Brush

An Angled Brush (for liner)

From there, you can expand to your heart’s content, he says.

Makeup artist Casey Gore says you can get away with even fewer brushes if you choose a couple of clever multi-taskers.

“Makeup artists love nothing more than a brush that can do it all in terms of makeup application,” says Casey.

For that she likes a Stippling Brush.

“It can be used very easily on both creams and powders and gives a soft-focused effect,” she adds.

TBX Stippling Brush, $22.95.