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TV Star Krissy Marsh on Mean Girls

She’s the runaway star of the reality series The Real Housewives of Sydney but Krissy Marsh is not about to let that go to her head. The former model and real estate mogul has consistently kept it real and better still, positive, and she insists the people in her world do the same.

Basically, she’s like the BFF you always wished for. Really. She won’t allow anyone to talk negatively – not about others and not about themselves either. And she wants you to stop it too.

“It’s called weatherproofing,” she explains.

“It is when women are constantly looking for cracks or leaks to fix.  I say concentrate on all the things that make you a beautiful individual – again, it is finding that inner self-confidence and embracing who we are.

“I try not to look in the mirror to find faults – as I would be there all day.”

Krissy would love it if the rest of us would knock it off with the inner mean girl too. Tell that B*&CH to F&%K OFF, she says. Well, we said that actually. But we reckon that’s what she meant. And here’s how she recommends we make the little fantasy a reality.

No mean girls allowed. Image: Instagram/@realkrissymarsh

“It is very easy for us to think negative thoughts over positive ones, but I taught myself from a very young age to put a stop to any negative thoughts very quickly,” says Krissy.

“We all have bad hair days or the odd hormonal blemish … these things are normal and we need to accept them quickly and move on. Once we start to self-critique on a daily and regular basis that is when the inner mean girl can take a hold and it is important to stop her in her tracks.

“I am always reminding my young nieces and nephews to not overthink how they look or what they are wearing, to stop negative thoughts in their tracks…and to never let your inner voice bring you down.”

See. We told you she’s BFF of your dreams.

Krissy also recommends easing up on the external focus and looking more towards what’s on the inside – and we couldn’t agree more.

“I really believe it comes down to how we feel about ourselves on the inside – how confident we are about who we are on the inside,” she says.

It is so very important for a woman to be comfortable in her own skin and not worry about what other people think, says Krissy.

“We need to remember that no matter what shape or size we are, we are all beautiful and unique.”