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The super easy nail tips we swear by

Winter can be awesome and for a whole raft of reasons. Right now we can’t think of any though so um … get back to us on that. The chilly season can suck for a bunch of reasons too – and we know all about those.

It wreaks havoc on skin and it’s not polite to nails either. But it’s okay. Better even. Because Tracey Winder, nail genius and trainer at Mavala can fix your nails in a flash. We asked her how and this is what she told us. Frankly, our fingertips have never looked prettier.

Firstly, what effect does winter have on hands and nails?
Nail growth slows down during the winter months when a drop in temperatures coincides with a reduction in circulation. Blood flow to the matrix (the root of the nail) is compromised, the engine room for the healthy production and growth of nail tissue. As environmental conditions change with less moisture in the air, nails are affected just as the skin is and the nail plates become more dehydrated. Not to mention, switching between temperature extremes of warm heating indoors and cool condition outdoors.

What are the symptoms with hands and nails?
Skin on the hands is susceptible to becoming red, dry and chapped as the moisture barrier is compromised during winter. Nail condition is weakened, so you will likely notice nails becoming dryer, being more brittle, softer or even peeling. Cracked, dry cuticles are often a result of a change in weather, which not only look unsightly but can be painful too! All of these conditions affect what your manicure looks like and how long it lasts.

Looking for a quality polish that’s super pretty and protects nails too? Try Mavala Nail Polish in Firenze, Singapore or Basel.

What special care is required during this time of year?
Like with your skin, this is the time of year to be introducing some additional steps into your hand and nail care routine to compensate for the winter aggressors. A little bit of TLC with your nails will go a long way in protecting your manicure! Your hands and nails need to be ‘nursed’ back to health, so be sure to apply specific rich, nutritive treatment products. Always protect the nails with a coat of polish that is good for the nails, i.e. a product that contains ingredients that wont compromise the health of the nail (so at a minimum 5-free) and will allow the nail to breathe. This doesn’t always have to be colour, even a natural clear top or base coat will protect during winter.

Any other tips for protecting nails during winter?
Keep your nails shorter during winter, with regular filing. Always use a gentle, acetone-free remover, which is much less drying on the nail. Take care to wear gloves while using water and detergent. Drink lots of water to compensate for the extra dehydration and ensure your diet is rich in vitamins (A,B,C,D and E) and minerals (calcium, iron, silicium) to ‘feed’ healthy nail growth. Nail-loving supplements are also an option during winter months.

Try a protective product such as Revlon Brilliant Strength or Sally Hansen Gel Shine 3D Top Coat and always use a quality nail file such as this crystal version by ModelCo Crystal Nail and in one direction only please. One Direction. Snigger.


What You Need …
• Gloves – an essential item for protection when hands and nails are immersed in water.
• Hand cream – applied frequently through the day, so a hand-bag friendly option is a must
• Cuticle oil – best applied after a hot shower at night for best absorption
• Nail strengthener – look for a product that helps to speed up and stimulate nail growth, whilst hydrating at the same time.
• Nail nutritive treatment – overnight is the best time to treat nails and hands. Apply a rich product and sleep in cotton gloves to increase the intensity and effectiveness of the treatment.