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Surprising ways to get that supermodel glow

Introduce the no chocolate rule and within seconds you’ll likely find us popping a square (maybe seven) into our mouths.

That said, we do believe in eating well. We care about our health and frankly, we need plenty of energy to deal with our crazy, hectic lives. And then there’s the real reason – call us superficial, but we can’t get enough of the glowing, gorgeous skin a nutritionally-balanced diet provides.

So what does that mean exactly?

According to Yoko Inoue, founder of the raw food cafe Shokuiku, you needn’t eat kale from sun up to sunset (although it might not hurt) to achieve that supermodel glow. All you need to do is follow these three simple steps.

Take a quality probiotic

“This will promote good gut health and great skin,” says Yoko.

“It will decrease yeast and urinary infections, ease bloating, strengthen your immune system and promote weight loss too,” she adds.

Up your fibre intake

Fibre is important for our digestive health and also regular bowel movements. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables of all types plus whole grains and legumes, says Yoko.

That way you’ll cover off all three types of fibre – soluble, insoluble and resistant starch.

Give up on sugar

You know it’s not good for your thighs. But were you aware of just how damaging sugar is when it comes to the state of your skin? Turns out that the white stuff not only leads to breakouts but can cause dullness and, reams of research shows that it increases the signs of premature ageing.