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It’s Time To STOP Testing Cosmetics On Animals Says The Body Shop

Incredible as it may seem in this day and age, more than 80 per cent of countries throughout the world still have NO laws against the testing of cosmetics on animals. That’s incredible in and of itself, but even more so when you consider that most countries do not require safety data on animal tests and reliable alternatives are available.

Bottom line – there is absolutely NO NEED to test cosmetics on animals.

And yet – Cruelty Free International, a leading non-profit organisation working to end animal testing, estimates about 500,000 animals are still used in cosmetics testing every year.

The Body Shop hopes to change all that. Accordingly, it launched a new campaign for a global ban on cosmetics animal testing on products and ingredients by 2020, revolutionising the beauty industry and protecting millions of animals around the world. The Body Shop will take the campaign to the highest authority, the United Nations, and request an international convention banning cosmetics testing on animals once and for all.

Jessie Macneil-Brown, Senior Manager International Campaigns and Corporate Responsibility, The Body Shop, says: “The Body Shop passionately believes that no animal should be harmed in the name of cosmetics and that animal testing on products and ingredients is outdated, cruel and unnecessary.

Head to The Body Shop and support the group by buying an ace product or three. Try All-In-One InstaBlur, $25, cause it’s awesome. Same goes for All-In-One Cheek Colour, $19, and All-In-One Face Base, $29.

“This is why The Body Shop and Cruelty Free International have partnered to deliver the largest and most ambitious campaign ever to seek a global ban on the use of animals to test cosmetic products and ingredients.”

The bold beauty brand’s campaign aims to engage eight million people to sign the petition calling on the United Nations to introduce an international convention to end the practice once and for all. If you want to get on board (and we recommend you do) the petition can be signed online or at any of The Body Shop’s 3,000 stores across the world.

You can also use the campaign hashtag, #ForeverAgainstAnimalTesting, on social media to raise awareness of the issue.