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The Top Three Things Confident Women Do Every Day

We’re lucky in that we have some super cool friends.

They’re hilarious and kind and supportive but better still (maybe) they have awesome careers which mean they know stuff. And, because they’re our friends, they’re willing to share. One such GF – Laura Moore – ace life coach why just happens to know how to make you confidence soar.

Laura, the founder of coaching firm Uppy, has helped us to look at our lives with a fresh, new confident perspective. Here are the three tricks that she taught us. Now, you can learn them and boost your confidence too.


Number One – Identify What’s Really Important To You
We get so lost in the ‘shoulds’ that we forget about what really matters to us, says Laura.

This can lead to us trying to achieve the unachievable and beating ourselves up when we ‘fail’ to get there.

Laura says that by bringing it all back what truly matters to you, the pressure valve will be released and the ‘shoulds’ can all wash over you like a wave – because you know who you are, what you stand for and where you’re heading. Once you can stand strong in your own space you will have the greatest confidence of all.

To get there she recommends you do the following:
• Discover or re-discover your core values
• Have clearly defined goals for all areas of your life
• Ensure you are serving these every single day

Image: Instagram/@blakelively

Blake Lively is one of our favourites.Why because she always keeps it real, keeps it honest and strives only to be her best self – nobody else’s. Kudos.

Number Two – Never Compare or Judge
One of the greatest challenges in life is to let go of comparing yourself to others, says Laura.

“Remember that we have no idea what is going on behind closed doors and I’m fairly certain you can guarantee they will have a lot of the same stuff going on as you,” says Laura.

“They perhaps just deal with it or mask it better. It’s ok to strive to be like someone you admire, but when doing this keep your attention on the attributes you wish to emulate and look at it as an opportunity to grow. When you find your inner chatter telling yourself that you don’t have what they have, simply add the word ‘yet’ onto the sentence: “I don’t have what they have yet” – this will switch your brain out of ‘beat-up’ mode and into problem-solving mode so you can figure out how to get there and move forward.

Research that goals are more likely to be achieved when they’re noted down. A beautiful notebook will that make task a pleasure. For this one and more visit

Number Three – Celebrate Your Success 
Although you are indeed a strong independent woman (or man), your subconscious brain is still kind of child-like, explains Laura. You need to speak to it nicely and tell it when it’s doing a good job, then it is much more likely to play nice and do more of the good stuff. This is classic positive reinforcement. If you consistently speak badly to it and make it feel like a failure, the chances are it will act up and become defiant, she says.

“So start rewarding yourself and celebrating every time something goes well – I guarantee it will make you feel great and motivate you to keep moving forward to do even more next time… and then confidence is inevitable,” she adds.

This doesn’t have to mean you bring out the champagne every time you make a sale or have a great conversation with a team member – simply make a point of telling your inner child it’s doing good.

So in summary, the key thing that confident women do daily is actually make it all about them. Rather than getting wrapped up in what everyone else is doing and what they think they ‘should’ be doing, they stay true to themselves and what they want. It really is that simple.